Social Media… Friend or Foe?

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll know that last year I had the amazing opportunity to go The Maldives…

It was literally my Island Paradise!

I swam in the ocean everyday, ate fresh fish, fruit smoothies and fresh veg for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I got to sit and bask in the sun all day every day.

I played my Ukulele, read my Tarot cards, and generally was living in my own personal Heaven.

I was staying with an old friend of mine, who truthfully, is more like a big sister than a friend.

Those were the good times… but the thing with Mental Health, and with Grief, it doesn’t go away just because you’re in paradise.

So many people have commented on how amazing the holiday looked, how lucky I am, and how I had to of had the most amazing times… and truthfully I did… yet on a couple of the days I couldn’t leave the apartment I was staying in.

Crippling anxiety made me afraid to leave the safe haven of the apartment. Despite staying on a small island, and making friends with most of the workers there. My fears and anxieties were still present.

I still struggled to get out of bed on some days… struggled to eat on others… but if you looked at my social media, you never would have guessed it.

My Dad’s Girlfriend recently shared a quote with me:

The reason we struggle with insecurity, is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel – Steve Furtick

And it made me wonder… how many people are scrolling through my feed, thinking I have the perfect life? How many people did I indirectly, negatively impact with this? How many people felt inferior based off of a 3- week holiday?

And more to the point, why is it okay to share your highlights, be applauded for it, but the moment you share the low points, the raw moments, the real you… your seen as asking for attention?

I don’t know about you, but seeing someone happy, on holiday, living it up when I’m depressed just makes me feel worse. Seeing someone else going through/ having been through the struggle and sharing their experience, however, instantly makes me feel like I’m not alone.

Real life should be applauded, the highs and the low’s. Mental health should be talked about more, and not seen as a taboo topic.

We should be able to share our low points on Social Media without there being any stigma or judgement… to show others that they’re not alone. That there are others out there struggling, but we will get through this.

Be the inspiration to someone else… not by sharing your amazing high points… anyone can do that… but by being brave and honest enough to show the truth. Life is not all sunsets and daisys.

Life is tough. Life is hard work, but together we can enjoy it. Together we can help and support each other.

I have a love/ hate relationship with Social Media. Love the impact it can have… how you can get your message across to literally thousands of people by using a simple hashtag… yet I hate the pit we can fall into… obsessively checking our likes and followers.

I hate how losing 10 followers can put me in a bad mood… hate how superficial it makes me… yet, I know it’s more than superficiality as to why I care. Because the more followers, readers, likes and visitors you get, the more you can get your message out there. The more you can help other people…

And helping people is what I live for! So I have to play the social media game of regular postings, hashtagging and geolocating. But it’s important to remember, it’s only a game!

Peace and Love


Tarot and Healing

When I tell people I’m a Tarot Reader, I usually get one of three reactions…

  1. Total confusion, the person wondering what Tarot is
  2. Total excitement, followed by the asking of having their cards read
  3. Derision

1. Total Confusion – What is Tarot?

Tarot started as a card game in the 1300’s around Europe, which you can partially see reflected in today’s decks with the four suits;

  • Wands = Clubs (Fire)
  • Cups = Hearts (Water)
  • Pentacles = Diamonds (Earth)
  • Swords = Spades (Air)

It wasn’t until the late 1700’s that followers of the occult started to use Tarot as a divination tool. Able to read and understand the meaning behind the illustrations, Tarot soon became a tool for divination.

There is nothing Evil or demonic about Tarot. Despite what some people may have you believe.

I personally use it as a tool to unlock my subconscious, receive messages from The Universe and my Spirit Guides, as well as get a brief glimpse to the path I am currently walking.

The Universe is always talking to us, always sending signs… Tarot is one of the many ways to help interpret them.

2. Setting Boundaries

I’ve been reading Tarot now for two years, and ever since picking up my first deck, it was like a yearning from my soul had been answered.

Instantly, I knew this is what I’m supposed to do… I’ve loved the journey Tarot has taken me on, and it’s taught me many things… one of the most recent lessons is setting boundaries.

It’s easy to get carried away and provide free readings to all my friends, friends of friends and travellers I meet along the way. But in doing so, I’m devaluing my skills. I’ve worked hard to build my tarot skills, tap into my intuition and keep my 3rd eye open so I can read and decipher messages for my clients.

This takes a lot of energy, mentally, physically and spiritually. It’s easy to want to do reads to help other people, but I’m now at a point where I can no longer provide free reads.

Anyone who know’s me, know’s I hate saying no, let alone, setting a boundary of “yes, I am happy to read your cards, these are my fee’s”. But Tarot has helped me see my worth, set my boundaries and hopefully succeed in building a successful Tarot business.

3. Derision

Adding on to the previous point, Tarot has also taught me I don’t have anything to prove. In my early days, if a non-believer didn’t believe in Tarot or my skills, I’d have been happy to give them a read to show them the benefits Tarot can have…

However, this uses up almost twice as much energy as any other person… something I’d be paying for later with exhaustion and crabbiness.

Now, when a non believer asks for a read, I politely decline, because I don’t have anything to prove. I don’t need to prove that the Cards don’t lie, I already know that.

I’m at a stage where I want to make sure my Client’s energy interacts harmoniously with mine, and not drain it.

If you want to be a sceptic, that is absolutely fine. Just please don’t ask me to read your cards, because the answer will be no. The recovery time is not worth it!

These are only some of the things Tarot has taught me in the past two years, and I’m excited to see what else I’ll learn in the coming years

If you’re interested in booking a Tarot Read, please email


Have you ever known something about yourself… even admitted out loud to people… something you’re not ashamed of, but something difficult to say none the less.

I have.

I’ve opened up about my demons, on this blog, through my photography and instagram… I’ve bared my soul and been honest… with you… with me…

But sometimes things don’t quite hit you.

Around this time last year, I was really struggling with the loss of my mum (still am if I’m honest). But I was in a much worse mental state.

A close family friend reached out to me. He asked me if I’d ever thought of the possibility that I have PTSD.

“I’m not a soldier. I didn’t go to war or anything” I responded.

It was then that he educated me about PTSD; it can happen to anyone going through a traumatic event… including the grief of losing a loved one.

I did some reading… and reading… and reading… everything fit.

It effects 1 in 3 people. If you have a history of mental illness (e.g.depression and anxiety) your more susceptible.

Everything made so much sense.

This was why I couldn’t move on. Why I was stuck on an endless loop of pain. Because everyone was trying to treat the grief, and not the effects of the trauma.

Suddenly I had new light. I wasn’t weird. I wasn’t slow… I had PTSD. No wonder it felt like everyone else was moving on around me whilst I stayed still. I was stuck in that one moment, not able to get past the trauma and pain.

The thing with PTSD though, is you can be flung back into that moment at any time. Without warning. As I’ve experienced the hard way over the last few months.

It made me feel weak. Like I had failed. I was… am… slipping back into depression again. Anxiety has taken her hold on me, and I can already see my physical health declining.

Even knowing all this, I still sometimes bury my head in the sand like an ostrich. Hoping the pain will go away, and the control will come back.

It wasn’t until this afternoon, I read one of my dad’s blog posts.

See… I’ve known for a year now that I have PTSD… when I’ve opened up to friends, life coaches, doctors etc. they all agree… they can see it on me from a mile off…

So I know this…

and yet reading the words “My middle daughter was living with me at the time, and was totally traumatized at the loss of her mum.” did something.

It uncoiled something inside me, and it was like I could finally see…

I can see now so clearly how my father saw me… like a scared wounded animal… lashing out in pain and fear, curled in a ball, shivering and crying.

Why can I see this image so clear in my mind!? Because it’s a part of me.

It’s part of what I’m going through.

But it doesn’t make me weak. It makes me stronger.

I’ve gone through trauma. When it happens to you, you always downplay it. Brush it off. But I can’t downplay it anymore.

Here it is, in black and white.

I have trauma.

I have PTSD.

I’m hurting.

I hurt every day, but I don’t want to give up hope as I know I can lead a good life, but I’m tired.

I’m tired of fighting, and I feel myself falling more and more down the rabbit hole as every day passes.

But I won’t give up. I’m already making changes. Trying to change my life, push myself to work harder, harder on me, my business’, my future…

Because Trauma is what I’ve been through, it’s not who I am.

So if there’s anyone struggling, remember, your past, your trauma’s, your demon’s don’t define you.

And sometimes, you just gotta keep on keeping on.

Peace and Love


I’m a nomad.

Wandering alone through the desert.

But I’m tired.


I need a break

From the relentless sun

I can feel it burning me. Hurting me.

But there’s no escape.

No break.

There’s nothing.

Just barren wasteland.

So I keep on keeping on

Not because I want to

But because I have to.

Blood; A Poem

I have a scream in my throat that I can’t get out.

It’s wild. Animalistic. Raw.

It’s in pain.

Why won’t the scream come out?

Because every time I open my mouth,

I choke back blood.

But when I look, there’s no blood.

Feels like there should be.

I feel like I have permanent stains on my body.

If you could see my pain you would wonder how I still lived.

If you could see every scar.

Every bruise.

Every wound.

The blood.

It’s everywhere.

Except you can’t see it.

No one can.

Only me.

Fire and Water; Yin and Yang

There are two dominant sides of my personality, Fire and Water, that are battling it out at the moment, and I’m caught in the cross fire. Two extreme’s, each side refusing to give.


There’s the emotional side of me that is yet to heal. The version of me that’s small, fragile and vulnerable. Like a butterfly. So beautifully pure, innocent and delicate.

She’s not ready for the world, and get’s overwhelmed. Still struggling through past trauma’s and hurts, this isn’t about holding a grudge, or not wanting to let things go… it’s more than that… it’s not knowing how to let go. How to process the hurt and emotions left in the wake of it all.

How can I say I can forgive and forget when I’m still hurt by past actions… when, regardless of some people’s good intention’s all they do is bring me more pain and hurt?

This Water version of me is always in pain. Eat, sleep, breath pain. I can feel it seeping from my pores, and it’s like living in my own personal hell.

“Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”

William Goldman – Princess Bride

Every second is torture. It feels like I’m made of glass, and have to trust that someone isn’t going to drop and shatter me.

It’s isolating and scary, believing you’re all alone in the world, because the water side of me, the emotional side of me, I’m starting to think will always be damaged from past trauma’s and mental health.


Then there’s the fire. The strong woman, who’s a warrior. A Lion. Someone who will walk to the ends of the earth and back for what she believes in. Strong and confident, she’s ready to face anything…

This is the woman I’ve fought to become. The phoenix who rose from the ashes, and I fought damn hard to be the person who I am today.

“She found herself
over a long
and treacherous road
and the more
the road became,
the more of
she found.”

― Atticus Poetry –  Love Her Wild

The person who has a zest for life and is always up for an adventure. The free spirit. Me.

So what happens, when these two completely different sides of me fight for dominance?

a lot of angst and confusion…

I want to be the strong woman I know I am. The woman who I was always meant to become.

But sometimes… sometimes it’s hard… and when triggered all I want to do is curl up in a ball and shut the world out.

To ignore life. But I can’t… because life goes on… so I become a weird conglomeration of the two sides of me…

I treat myself like a strong warrior woman… but feel like a lost child.

I understand and try to educate others on mental health… but will then beat myself up for having a depressive episode.

I start to doubt myself. Maybe I’m not this strong woman… maybe I’m not the warrior I always thought I was… maybe I’m not as capable as I think…

“It’s hard to let go of the demons inside… they were holding you when no one else was…”

– unknown

Because that’s the problem with mental health…

It’s like Fire and Water…

The Fire is who I am… who I’ve always been… and I can’t let the water douse me, quash my natural inner flame… but I can’t ignore the water either… if I do, it’ll keep building until it becomes a Tsunami of issues and emotions…

So what do I do? What’s the right course of action here? Because I feel like someone has just driven me into the woods somewhere, handed me a map and told me to find my way home. I don’t even know where I am, let alone where home is…

I don’t even know if I’m ready to face these issues…

I’ve been fighting for so long and I’m tired… what’s wrong with wanting to bask in a bit of happiness for a few months before I resume the fight of life?

Yin and Yang

Because the more I write this… I realise that the water side is not who I am… It’s who I was, during the worse period in my life…

The emotional side isn’t weak… she’s traumatised and broken, and nothing short of unconditional love is ever going to heal her.

But without her, I wouldn’t be the woman I’m fighting to become… The person I am…

I guess it’s time for another long journey in search of happiness on this road of recovery…

Wish me luck..

Peace and Love



I went to see my family today.

I haven’t seen most of them since my mums funeral.

Over 2 years ago…

I’m not sure how I feel… in some ways, nothing has changed. It was just like the old days… but everything has changed.

The physical pain I can feel slashing at my heart each time I came across a reminder. A framed photo of my cousin and mum, gifts I’d bought them over the years hanging on the walls…

There were pieces of me and my mum in both my aunts and cousins houses.

And that’s when I realised. I’d left a piece of me behind with them.

This piece of me, so pure and innocent. The me before this all happened. The naive me. The me that had only seen a tiny corner of the world, but was content with that.

But I didn’t just lose my mum. Through the hurt and melee, I lost them all too, and through the process, parts of myself.

Hurt beyond words, everyone told me to mend bridges. To fix things.

But each time I even thought about it, I had to choke back the bile.

I wanted to forgive. But I couldn’t. And I couldn’t forget.

And now here I am… more confused than ever.

I miss them. What happened to the family destroyed us. As far as I can see, the family connection hasn’t recovered since losing mum.

So finding out a few days ago that I almost lost my aunt… an aunt who was like a mum to me… an aunt who I’d already lost metaphorically a long time ago.

But losing someone metaphorically and physically are different.

Metaphorically losing you means we don’t talk. But you’re still alive and well. I may not have a relationship with you, but that’s okay. You’re still here.

Losing you physically means you’re gone. You’re never going to come back.

No matter how much I hurt. How much pain I feel, I realised I couldn’t lose her.

I can’t lose someone else.

So here I am. 50 shades of fucked again.

I’ve stopped sleeping. I’m eating less, and I can feel myself falling down the rabbit hole of depression… because I don’t know how I feel…

For the first time in months, I’ve lost control.

I miss my family.

I said it.

I miss the us that used to be. I miss the trust. I miss just being able to show up on my cousins door with an hours notice, knowing I’m going to be looked after.

I miss being close. They were always so important to me. My cousins were my best friends.

And in the wake of a tragedy, no one coped. I understand.

But how can I tell my heart to forgive when it hurts so much?

When every time today I wanted to share a part of myself with them, I couldn’t. I’d open my mouth to tell them about me, and couldn’t form the words.

Because how do I know they’re going to accept me?

I’m proud of me. Who I am.

But I’m not the same person I was. And I don’t want to be. I don’t even know how to be.

If our relationship, as solid as it was, couldn’t survive back then. How can I even trust to give it a chance now?

So here I am, after months of self care and working hard, I can feel myself being triggered.

The anxiety has returned. I’m on edge. I can’t sit still, can’t be alone. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest, and it’s slowly bleeding out.

I need to protect it. Need to piece myself back together. But it hurts. Physically hurts.

I can taste the blood in the back of my throat. The knot of pain and I have to keep pushing it down.

If I stop and think, to analyse my emotions, the coldness will seep back into my bones.

The shakes will return, and I’ve been down this road before. Constantly cold, always feeling nauseous, not able to eat for days on end. Having to physically hug myself because if I don’t it feels like all my insides will fall out the hole in my chest…

I’m worked to the point of exhaustion, yet I still won’t rest. I can’t. I have to keep moving. Keep fighting.

But I’m so tired. And I know how hard this battle will be. I’ve fought it before, and it almost destroyed me.

Is this what the rest of my life is destined to be like? Working hard to get into a good place, only for the rug to be pulled out from beneath me and I’ll have to start all over again?

I don’t know what to do or how to feel. I believe in the positivity of free writing, so I guess I’m writing this to have some sort of epiphany…

Because now’s the time where I’d usually ask my mum for advice… but this time I won’t get an answer.

Just like the last few times.

I work so hard to be strong… but it’s times like this… when the only person in the world I know I can trust is my mum… and knowing she’s not here to protect me… to help me…

It has a way of making a person feel lost and alone.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to feel.

All I know is I feel small and alone. I want my mum back, and I want my family back.

One of those is impossible, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for the other…

Peace and Love, even if I’m not feeling very much of either right now…

Leave Me Wild; Struggling to find my place in the Western World

I’ve been restless recently, and everyone has been picking up on it…

I get asked what’s wrong on a daily basis, but that’s just it… nothing is wrong per se…

So why am I feeling so off?

I think. after a few weeks, I’ve finally figured out why… I haven’t been being true to myself…

I’m happy with who I am, the person I am, the decisions I make, and what I do with my life. I am. I’m happy with me… yet I feel stunted…

I feel like I’m holding myself back from people, because I know I’m a lot to handle. I’m full of energy, in your face, what you see is what you get… I’m a force to be reckoned with, and I can come into your life like a hurricane.

I’ve felt like a bull in a china shop my whole life… but I’m not…

I’m a lion…

I’m fierce, independent, honest and brutally blunt.

My friends love me for who I am. I love me for who I am.

So why have I been holding myself back?

Because I know a lot of people, a lot of society doesn’t accept me… and I’m tired of fighting… fighting to be me, fighting for what’s right, fighting to be accepted.

So I’m not going to bother.

Subconsciously, I’ve been holding myself back because even though I don’t particularly care what anyone thinks, as long as I’m happy… I’m tired of fighting all the bloody time.

I struggle to fit into the western world, because I want to be free to be me.

Who Am I?

A good friend once told me that as a woman approaches her 25th birthday, she suddenly knows exactly who she is… I didn’t believe her… until it happened to me.

I have never been more me, than I am now, and I have never been prouder of myself.

I’m a fighter, a warrior. 

But I’m also a healer, and a hippie. 

A free spirit and a gypsy soul. 

I have a bleeding heart, I try to save everyone, even to the detriment of myself… it’s a bad habit and I’m working on it.

I love life. Something that wasn’t always the case. I’m always up for an adventure, and I’m always down to hang.

I am who I am, and I’m happy.

So it’s time to kick the Western World up it’s arse. It’s time to stop worrying all the damn time, and just be.

None of us make it out of life alive anyway, so you might as well have a riot!

So here’s to the future… the good times to be had, and the good memories to be made. Because we all know life is too short, so Fuck it!

Life is meant to be lived, and I want to live every single moment of it!

So Leave Me Wild, there’s adventures to be had!

Peace and Love!


My Current Path; The Fire Inside

Every time I sit down to try and write a post about my journey, my path of healing, I can’t seem to find the right words to articulate myself…

Even the current blog post that I’ve written doesn’t go into as much detail as I’d like about my path… I can’t seem to find the right words…

And anyone who know’s me, know’s I’m never at a loss for words, both written and verbal… so why can’t I seem to express myself recently…

Because I’m trapped.

Like a bird, I’m trapped in a cage, and I long to just fly away, to stretch my wings and be free.

When I decided to return to England, I had no clue what I wanted. Both, short and long term. I had no idea if I even wanted to travel again.

Settling in back home… allowing myself the time to grieve and heal has given me a new awakening… and suddenly everything is clear…

I know my path… and oh is it magnificent! It’s windy and treacherous, yet exactly the challenge in life I need.

I’m a natural born healer, and right now I feel trapped in a cage, not able to heal anyone but myself.

I came home to work on myself… and I have… I’m stronger, fiercer and more alive than I ever have been before.

I’m more in tune with myself, nature and the universe… yet I’m still in shackles.

I’m tied down to a job… to having to save money again… starting from the beginning.

I’m in my hometown, a place where I’ve always felt I can’t really be me.

When I’m on the road, something in me comes to life, the fire awakens, and I am me. 

But every time I return, I feel the fire dampening slightly as the expectations of society try to weigh down on me.

But to be perfectly honest, society can go fuck itself!

I know I don’t want children. It’s not my path to take. But that also means I don’t plan on ever having someone financially dependent on me. I don’t have a biological clock ticking… I don’t have to tick any boxes by a certain age…

And wow, what a relief that is! It’s like the moment I realised I didn’t want kids, this weight on my soul, that I didn’t even know existed, lifted and I was free.

Free to be wholeheartedly me.

Suppressed in my hometown, I’m ready to be on the road again. To not hold myself back, to let myself loose on the world like a wrecking ball of fiery energy.

I’m becoming more and more me each day, and I know travelling again is going to set me on a whole new and exciting path of self discovery.

I’m so grateful to my first couple of travelling experiences, round Europe and then later Asia and America, because if I can do all that in the wake of crippling grief, imagine what I can do with no limitations.

I needed that experience to feel every single emotion I felt. I needed to be stripped down and made vulnerable so I could rise from the ashes.

But now I’ve risen, and am newly awakened, yet with no one to share this energy with. No place for it to go. Working ridiculous amounts of hours at work, I can feel the energy building within me, needing an outlet.

I’m ready to be me again. Wild and free, only answering to the Sun and Moon.

Ready to be on the road again, not being on anyone else’s time but my own. Able to stay as long as I want, as I don’t have a flight to catch home…

Able to get jobs in different places, learn new languages and try different cuisines.

I shouldn’t feel physical pain as I board my flight back home like I have on my last few flights… it’s all telling me the same thing…

Free my Gypsy Soul

So here’s to the wind of change… as much as I love my hometown, hopefully I’ll be out of here soon!

And maybe then, I’ll be ready to articulate the full emotional story uncut to you guys, about my path of healing.

Peace and Love!

The Road of Healing

I’m Back

So after a few months hiatus, I’ve decided to return to blogging, but to change things up a bit… because I myself, have changed things up a bit.

The Last Few Months…

After spending 2 months in Canada, I returned back home to England in August, in a very bad mental state.

I was still grieving, couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and just over all, not in a good place.

But I picked myself up, and I clawed my way out of hell.

I got 2 jobs, worked my arse off, mentally, emotionally and physically for months until I am where I am now…

I stripped myself raw, broke myself down and hit rock bottom, and in doing so, I found out who I truly am.

I found out how strong I am, and I came to appreciate the person I am.

IMGP7899 (2)And in doing this, it was if gaping wound I constantly felt in my chest, started to heal, started to repair.

There was actually a light at the end of the tunnel…

Now don’t get me wrong, I still have my bad days, where the pain is so crippling I feel like I’m physically drowning…

but overall… I’m happy…


Having a job was definitely a good outlet. Something to focus on, and so I could actually get some money finally, after months of not working!

Having a steady income, being able to afford to buy little things like coffee, or lunch with friends… and then finally, after 10 months of having no phone, I bought one just after Christmas! Go me!


I’m also a Tarot reader, and I found at my darkest times I would neglect the cards, yet I really needed them.

It’s no coincidence when after a few weeks of not doing many tarot reads, when I finally picked my deck back up and threw myself into it full force I began to heal faster! Began to understand the world more, and my place in it.

Having Tarot as an outlet really helped me focus my energy positively, and look at the world in a different light. Instead of looking at the negative, I was seeing the positive.


I know I mention them quite often, but I am so eternally grateful to all my friends I’ve met along the way, old and new!

You guys have seriously had my back and I really couldn’t have done it without you! So Thank You, all!


On the path of healing, I had many realisations… about myself, life, what I wanted to do…

Before I was so lost, and afraid… petrified! When I returned, I was a broken shadow of my former self. I was fragile. I was in physical pain daily from the emotional grief I felt.

I was alone, and I was isolated.

I was on the brink of tears for weeks!

And I look at myself now. Strong. Independent. Fierce. Free Spirit. Care free. Hippie. Healer.

I am not what I was. I am so much more!

And I love who I am… Like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes, stronger, and more assured than ever.

The fire inside me ignited, and now I’m more passionate, impulsive, loud, and I love it, because I love me.

“I love who I am, because I fought to become her”


The Blog Change Up

So as you see, yes travel is my passion, but it’s so much more than that!

I’m a free spirit, a gypsy soul, literally crying out to be on the road again. And I don’t think that will ever go away.

So how can I have a blog for travel, when it’s not just travel, it’s freeing my gypsy soul, so I can run off with the faries!

Going forth, my blog is going to include all aspects about me. All my weird quirky sides… I want to write about anything and everything…

… whatever’s going through my head… my adventures… my dreams…

So I hope you enjoy the ride, cause I sure as hell will!


I’m now back home, working full time as a server. I’m starting to save my money for the next adventure! Who know’s what it’ll be… a 2 week African Safari? Maybe a tour in South America? I’ll keep you guys posted!

Don’t worry, it won’t be too long, my soul is literally crying out to be free again!

Until then, I will be working, working, working, oh, and did I mention working?

Ha! See you on the flip side!

Peace Out

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