Tea and Tarot

Two things that are very important to me… Tea and Tarot! Both have been instrumental on my journey of healing and self discovery.


There are so many different health benefits to tea that most people don’t know about… I want to educate and help others.

And I’m not just talking about the physical benefits of tea, though there are many, but also the mental. I don’t know how many times I’ve felt like I’m going to just break down crying, or like I’ve failed, yet after a cup of tea, it’s like this warmth has nestled into my soul, like a hug from the inside, giving me the support I need to do what I need to do.

How many times I’ve cried on a friend’s shoulder over my cup of tea, and after feeling so emotionally light and unburdened… and it’s not just the release from crying… but the mental peace I get from each cup of tea.

So if you’re interested in learning more about tea, as well as my personal experience, then you’re in the right place! It’s my belief that there is a tea out there for everyone, one that can help you on your healing path.



Tarot is a divination tool used to unlock the subconscious and receive messages from the universe.

What originally started as a card game in the 1300’s, developed into an insightful tool to the future.

Tarot allows us to get a glimpse of the path that we are currently on, but the future is always changing. Don’t like what you see? Use the message from the cards as a warning… a path you know you want to avoid…

For me, tarot has allowed me to see my true potential, and has helped me dig myself out of the very deep hole of depression. It gives me hope in times of darkness… and as I always say… the cards never lie!

If you’re interested in knowing more or would like to book a read, feel free to email me at athenetarot93@gmail.com

So join me on my healing journey, of Tea and Tarot.

Peace and Love


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